Monthly Archives: February 2022

Northern Harrier

The snowpack so far this winter has been less than normal, but it has been seriously cold most days.  This has resulted in significantly fewer opportunities for hikes in area parks and preserves.

Luckily we live in a rural part of Albany County, NY, and are surrounded by woods and fields. So we still get to see many species of wildlife around our home and during short walks that we take down our country road.

One particular bird species that I have enjoyed watching this winter is a Northern Harrier that I see nearly every day soaring just a few yards from the Earth’s surface as it scours the fields for a tasty meal of a mouse, vole, or some other morsel.  On a few occasions, I have actually seen two Harriers flying side by side in search of prey.

Even in the coldest months nature seems to find a way!

If you would like to read about a few birds of prey from NY CLICK HERE